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Simple Style in Interior Architecture: Minimalism

Writer's picture: berk erdoğanberk erdoğan

The history of architecture and art has passed through many different periods. Within these periods, there have been intermediate periods, trends, reflected in both exterior and interior spaces. The minimalist approach has become one of the design concepts of the modern period in the architectural field and in the context of decoration.

iç mimari sade
Minimalist House Space

1-Less is Better!

This trend, which emerged as a result of a minimal life fiction, has become widespread with the micro houses that entered our lives with the increasing population. In this trend, which started with the motto "Less is better!", it is aimed to offer a simpler living space by moving away from excessive items and decoration elements that do not express context. In the interior space created in line with the needs, it is aimed to avoid overfilling the space in larger structures. In micro spaces, the need for furniture is minimised by using talented furniture layouts with a few functions. For minimal project design examples, you can visit our residential projects and interior design pages.

İç mimari minimalist
Micro House Sample

2- Minimalist Lifestyle

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In the philosophy of minimalism, living within the needs lies in changing the understanding of life. By sharpening the distinction between needs and wants, it pushes us to live with fewer items. In addition to this changing our consumption habits, the goal makes a place for itself in life and enables the flow of thought to affect the whole life. It allows you to become more productive by increasing focus.

3-Minimalist Interior Architecture

Changing the living space is one of the first concrete steps to live in the philosophy of minimalism. This gives you more space for living. Get rid of unnecessary items in space design! In minimalist projects, you can transform your life with a simple style and a composition that is as far from complexity as possible. By keeping the number of materials used and the number of different colours used to a minimum, you can arrange as much as you can feel that you have made room for your inner world. If you want to get professional architect service on this path, you can contact Berk Erdoğan Architects.

minimalist tasarım
Berk Erdoğan Architects Minimalist Design

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